UWP Slams Government Over Spike In Homicides

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

Amid an alarming upsurge in violent crime resulting so far in 53 homicides for the year, the opposition United Workers Party (UWP) has taken the Philip J. Pierre administration to task, accusing it of being uncaring.

Speaking at the UWP’s weekly press briefing on Tuesday, party spokesman Lenard ‘Spider’ Montoute declared that the Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) government had abdicated many of its core responsibilities.

The former Gros Islet MP said that included the safety and security of the people and maintaining law and order.

Montoute noted that violent crime, especially gun crime and gang violence, had gripped the nation.

The UWP Public Relations Officer said as a result, Saint Lucia had witnessed a record loss of life through homicides.

However, he lamented that the government’s response has been to create more jobs and offices for its members.

“Very often, we have multiple murders taking place, especially over weekends, and the lack of regard and the callous lack of concern for the loss of human life is demonstrated by the fact that you do not hear a word coming from the government despite the many portfolios established for dealing with crime in Saint Lucia,” the opposition official stated.

“We have a Minister of National Security. We have a Minister of Home Affairs. We have a Minister of Crime Prevention. Yet we hardly hear anything of substance or any demonstration of concern coming from the government,” Montoute declared.

” Again, this is because the lives of Saint Lucians are mere statistics, and they do not care about us,” he asserted.

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