Saint Lucia Records ‘Significant Increase’ In Hypertension

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

Saint Lucia has recorded what officials described as a ‘significant increase’ in the number of people with hypertension or high blood pressure, prompting concern from the government.

Health Minister Moses Jn Baptiste explained that hypertension and other non-communicable conditions like diabetes and strokes put a strain on emergency rooms at the OKEU and St. Jude Hospitals.

At Owen King EU Hospital, he noted that there had been an over 100% increase in emergency room visits due to non-communicable diseases.

On the other hand, there has been an over 200% increase in admissions related to non-communicable diseases at Saint Jude Hospital.

The minster emphasised the need for a national effort to address the rising health issues.

In this regard, he noted various programmess, including exercises and walks, have been organised to encourage healthier lifestyles and reduce the burden on emergency rooms.

“We are trying to encourage that, and trying to encourage community groups to get on board, to churches,” Jn Baptiste told reporters on the margins of Tuesday’s House of Assembly meeting.

He spoke of reducing salt and sugar intake, limiting processed foods, increasing physical activity, drinking fresh water, and improving mental health.

In addition, the minister stressed the importance of community and family involvement in promoting healthier lifestyles to reduce the impact of non-communicable diseases.

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