“I’m Sorry. We’re Going Back To Serenity Park!’

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

Castries Central MP Richard Frederick is resolute about removing Sir George William Mallet’s name from Serenity Park.

“I’m sorry. We are going back to Serenity Park!” The Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister responsible for Housing and Local Government told reporters this week.

Serenity Park was the original name of the Sans Souci, Castries recreation area.

However, on February 13, 2019, the then-United Workers Party government renamed the Sir George William Mallet Serenity Park with a plaque bearing the new name.

The late Mallet was a prominent politician, serving as Governor-General of Saint Lucia and holding various high offices, including Deputy Prime Minister.

Mallet was also the MP for Castries Central for many years.

As a result, Frederick suggested it would be more fitting to honour the late politician by renaming Bido Park or somewhere in the CDC area in Castries after him.

In addition, Frederick recalled the process that led to adopting the name ‘Serenity Park.’

“This name was arrived through the competitive process; school children got involved and there was a panel actually put together to select the winning name… What message are you sendingto other school children or other persons who want to participate in a process?” He stated.

The Castries Central MP emphasised that he had no objection to recognising the late George Mallet’s contribution to Saint Lucia.He concluded.

Nevertheless, he told reporters that the name Serenity Park would stand.

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