Government Under Fire Over Micoud Secondary Drainage Project

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

The Micoud North Constituency Branch of the opposition United Workers Party (UWP) has sharply criticised the Government and Micoud North MP Jeremiah Norbert over the Micoud Secondary School drainage project.

Earlier this week, the UWP Branch asserted that executing the manner of executing the project was irresponsible and created a hazard.

The opposition’s criticism came in a statement, accompanied by several photographs.

The complete statement appears below:

The UWP Micoud North Constituency Branch denounces the irresponsible manner in which a drainage project associated with the Micoud Secondary School is being executed. Residents of the village along with users/clientele of the Micoud Primary School, Micoud Wellness Centre and the Micoud Secondary School were caught by surprise on Monday, 2nd, September when they observed the commencement of major works related to a drainage project the Secondary School.   

As a result of the commencement of this project vehicular and pedestrian access to the two schools and wellness centre have been impeded. There is a Road Closure sign placed at the beginning of the vehicular access to the respective institutions. With the commencement of excavation work related to this project, we are concerned that our children in particular, some as young as 5 years old are now exposed to hazardous conditions due to this project. The hazardous conditions include five feet trenches and jutting steel bars.   

School reopened on Monday of this week, 2nd, September, 2024 for a new academic year after a seven (7) week summer vacation period. We are extremely disappointed and appalled that Parliamentary Representative, Jeremiah Norbert and the Government which he forms part of did not utilize the summer break to complete this project. As a result users of the Micoud Primary School, Micoud Wellness Centre and the Micoud Secondary School have to endure the inconvenience and dangers directly related to the project. 

.We strongly condemn this blatant disregard and insensitivity by the Parliamentary Representative and Government for the safety and comfort of constituents and members of the public. We call upon the Parliamentary Representative to take immediate remedial actions to alleviate the problems associated with this project. We propose the following:

 Erection of solid barriers to restrict civilian access to work area. – Divert all pedestrian traffic away from the work area. all pedestrian  – Notify residents of a completion date for the project.

Divert all drop-off and pick-up transport arrangements for school students to the Multi Purpose yard.
Utilize the rear gate of the Micoud Primary School as much as possible for student arrival and departure from that institution.
Produce and erect signage related to the above recommendation

The UWP Micoud North Constituency Branch will exercise vigilance in monitoring the execution of this project. We will not hesitate to protest further the embarrassment and serious compromise of normal comfort and safety standards associated with the tardy commencement of this project.