Fedee Accuses Government Of Weak Response To Crime

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

Dominic Fedee, the second deputy political leader of the opposition United Workers Party (UWP), has taken the Philip J. Pierre administration to task over Saint Lucia’s crime situation, declaring that the government’s response has been lukewarm and weak.

The former Tourism Minister spoke Wednesday at an opposition news conference.

Saint Lucia has so far recorded 46 homicides in 2024, primarily due to gun violence.

Fedee noted that the ruling Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) was about to celebrate its third anniversary in office after winning the July 26, 2021 general elections.

However, the former Ansse La Raye-Canaries MP stated that since the SLP came to power, most Saint Lucians would agree there has been an upsurge in crime.

According to the UWP official, the situation continues to rock Saint Lucia’s very existence.

“We continue to be very concerned about the level of ill-preparedness, the level of inadequate response from the Saint Lucia Labour Party administration,” Fedee told the news conference.

“They cannot continue to tell us that they are not police officers and it is not their job. We elected them to lead, and lead they must, and if they can’t lead then the suggestion is call elections, get out of government, resign. Pass on the portfolio to other people who can do the job,” the former Minister asserted.

“We must not accept from the Saint Lucia Labour Party administration the very lukewarm and weak responses to the crime situation thus far,” Fedee said.

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