WATCH: ‘A Great Success’ – PM On Saint Lucia Carnival

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre has lauded Saint Lucia Carnival organisers and all who contributed to making the event a ‘great success.’

“Most of all, I want to thank the public of Saint Lucia,” he stated while expressing gratitude to visitors who make the event part of their vacation calendar.

According to the Saint Lucia Tourism Authority (SLTA), preliminary visitor arrival figures point to numbers exceeding 18,000.

Tourism Minister Dr. Ernest Hilaire told St. Lucia Times that these are exciting times for the growth and development of the carnival product.

However, Hilaire, also responsible for Creative Industries and Culture, spoke of the need for a balance between the growth of visitors and ensuring the island maintains its cultural and creative authenticity.

Prime Minister Pierre indicated that reports he received suggested that Carnival was peaceful.

The police have confirmed that there were no major incidents during the event.

In this regard, Deputy Police Commissioner Ronald Phillip commended officers and thanked the Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) for its role.

Nevertheless, he acknowledged that under the influence of alcohol during Carnival, there were altercations among individuals.

“It’s just a matter for us, the police and the public, to continue working with each other and minimise what I would call those minor infractions,” Phillip stated.

The Prime Minister’s complete remarks regarding Carnival appear below:

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