“Stop Spreading Rumors!”- Father On Son’s Tragic Drowning

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

There was no foul play involved in the death of 7-year-old Nehki Poleon, according to his father, William Poleon.

The deceased Ciceron Combined School student was found in a body of water near a pig pen on September 11, 2024, much to the distress of his family.

Nehki Poleon

Nehki’s father revealed in a post-autopsy interview that the official cause of death was drowning.

“He drank a lot of water. There’s water in his stomach. That’s what that kill him. No foul play. I cannot blame nobody. That’s what the autopsy tell me,” the father told reporters.

Following the tragic discovery of the 7-year-old’s body, there have been questions about how a primary school child was able to wander into such a potentially dangerous area alone.

However, Mr. Poleon noted that the water in the area had never posed a threat before.

“I always used to go by the pig pen… The water would barely reach your ankle. But the day I went there, I saw a big river. That was the first time I saw it deep like that,” he told reporters.

The grieving father urged those speculating and casting blame to refrain from spreading rumors about the incident.

“I would like to tell them to stop spreading rumors,” he said. “If they want to know something, ask me,” he declared.

Despite the heartbreaking circumstances of his son’s demise, the father expressed some relief in knowing it was an accident rather than a result of foul play.

“If somebody killed him, that would hurt me more. He died naturally. Nobody pushed him or did anything,” he stated.

In the wake of this tragedy, William Poleon aims to find peace for his family and encourage the community to respect the truth rather than indulge in harmful speculation.

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