Police Issue 88 Tickets During Castries Operation

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

The Police Traffic Department, Bicycle Unit, and Central Police Station conducted a joint operation on Friday in Castries, during which officers issued 88 traffic tickets for various offences.

The officers stopped 160 vehicles and impounded one of them.

Friday’s joint operation occurred amid an alarming upsurge in road incidents, including collisions involving vehicles, motorcycles, and pedestrians.

There have also been several incidents involving vehicles overturning after drivers lost control.

They have occurred despite road safety appeals from the police, the Saint Lucia Fire Service, and others.

Saint Lucia has so far recorded sixteen road deaths for 2024, the latest involving a hit-and-run incident on the Mon Repos Highway on Friday that claimed the life of a  Dennery man in his twenties.

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