Newly Branded ‘Lucian Breadfruit’ Ready For Global Export

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

Export Saint Lucia has revealed a significant step in enhancing the international appeal of local products with the launch of the new branding and packaging for breadfruit exports.

Breadfruit is now officially branded as ‘Lucian Breadfruit’.

It will make its mark on global markets with a distinctive new look designed to boost recognition and market presence.

The new tag for breadfruits features the Taste of Saint Lucia logo and the brand, ‘Lucian Breadfruit,’ in green and national colors.

The export will be in branded boxes labeled ‘Product of Saint Lucia’ – with an illustration of Saint Lucia’s world-famous Pitons, the Breadfruit and its leaf, avocados, and other products that Saint Lucia exports.

Sunita Daniel, CEO of Export Saint Lucia, emphasised the importance of the branding effort.

“Saint Lucia’s product usually went out into the market with no branding. That is something we are changing….when we did go out into the market, we realised everybody else had proper branding- except us, and so we’re trying to fix that so people can know exactly where the product is coming from,” Daniel told a news conference on Monday.

The new branded packaging will include “Product of Saint Lucia” labels, ensuring that consumers worldwide can immediately associate high-quality Breadfruit with its island of origin.

In addition, Export Saint Lucia disclosed that it is in the process of trademarking the new brand to ensure legal protection and safeguard the integrity of the “Lucian Breadfruit” label.

Though Breadfruit farmers have already begun purchasing the boxes, the ‘Lucian Breadfruit’ tag will be provided to the farmers by Export Saint Lucia, free of charge.

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