Ministry of Health Addressing Long Hospital Wait Times

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

Minister for Health, Wellness, and Elderly Affairs Moses Jn Baptiste has disclosed that efforts are underway to reduce long wait times at hospitals across the island.

At Monday’s pre-cabinet press briefing, Jn Baptiste told reporters that the prolonged wait periods in the Accident and Emergency departments at the Owen King European Union Hospital (OKEU) and St. Jude Hospital had become a significant concern for the government.

“We have had a number of challenges with Saint Lucians and other individuals who access services at the hospitals having to wait for services, and we have had meetings with both the administrations from the OKEU hospital and the St. Jude hospital to ameliorate the situation,” the Minister stated.

He explained that key stakeholders and government officials met just last week to discuss ways to enhance efficiency and speed in the A&E departments.

The meeting decided to allocate more beds to Victoria Hospital and the Mental Wellness Center.

According to the Minister these steps are just stepping stones to improving services and reducing overcrowding, ensuring patients receive faster and more efficient care.

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