Dr. Joseph Edsel Edmunds Has Died

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

Former Saint Lucia Ambassador Dr. Joseph Edsel Edmunds, OBE, has died.

Opposition leader Allen Chastanet paid tribute to Edmunds on Facebook, describing him as a distinguished son of Saint Lucia who served the country with dedication and honour as Ambassador to Washington from 1984 to 1997.

“Ambassador Edmunds was not only a revered diplomat but also an eminent agricultural scientist whose contributions to science and research have left an indelible mark on our country and the broader Caribbean region,” Chastanet noted.

The former Prime Minister also noted that the former diplomat’s numerous awards.

They included the Office of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE) awarded by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Award for International Service, and the honor of having a nematode, Longidorus edmunsi, named after him.

Chastanet said the awards testified to the former diplomat’s exceptional contributions to nematology and agriculture.

According to Chastanet, Edmunds was rightly cited as a Pioneer in the Conservation Movement in Saint Lucia and recognized as a Caribbean Icon in Science, Research, and Innovation.

“His legacy is one of profound impact and lasting inspiration,” the United Workers Party (UWP) leader asserted.

He extended his deepest condolences to the former diplomat’s family and friends, declaring that his death was a great loss to the nation, but his legacy will live on to continue to inspire and guide.

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