Castries Group Intervenes To Quell ‘Sixx’ Versus ‘Seven Violence

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

The Castries-based group Strive says its intervention helped prevent an outbreak of violence involving the ‘Sixx’ and ‘Seven’ rival youth gangs during Carnival.

Strive member and former President of the New Village Development Group, Michael ‘Toka’ Phillips, said the group’s intervention came at the Police Commissioner’s request.

As a result, Phillips said Strive invited young men to emergency meetings and spoke to them.

“We spoke to the young boys, tell them what time it is, and please allow the revelers, Saint Lucians, and the foreigners to have a peaceful Carnival,” he recalled.

“We made it happen,” the Strive member declared, adding that nobody threw a stone during the event.

Phillips said everyone knew about the war involving the ‘Sixx’ and ‘Seven’ youth gangs.

Rival groups of marauding teenagers have attacked each other on the City Streets, and the violence has also entered the schools.

In the past months, the Police have searched students and seized weapons and drugs to tackle the problem.

However, Phillips alluded to the need for a holistic intervention involving the Government and the private sector.

“To make things happen, you need finance,” he asserted.

In addition, he called out the parents of the young men given to anti-social behaviour.

Phillips lamented that most mothers and fathers did not attend when Strive organised meetings for the youngsters.

“The message I have is for family intervention,” he stated.

The New Village resident disclosed that he and over a dozen ‘elders’ from areas including Grass Steet, Ciceron, and Bagatelle voluntarily admonish the youth.

“We care because our youth, our children involved in the war, losing their lives and getting chopped in school uniforms,” Phillips stated.

“Our duty is to make sure things stay calm,” he declared.

Another Strive member, Steve ‘Nuppy’ Jean, explained that since last year, the organisation has been seeking to address the youth gang violence issue.

Jean said it was challenging but stated that his group would continue trying to prevent crime.

“That’s our work,” he explained.

PHOTO: Michael Phillips