UWP To Introduce Potential Election Candidates On Sunday

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

The opposition United Workers Party (UWP) plans to introduce potential candidates for the next general elections on Sunday at a planned political meeting on William Peter Boulevard in Castries.

UWP leader Allen Chastanet told a Town Hall meeting of plans for a party national council meeting on Thursday, where he hoped the council would accept recommendations.

Chastanet explained that launching the candidates in each constituency would then begin.

“We have had a remarkable number of people applying to be candidates,” the former Prime Minister noted.

“And it is very important that we make sure that every single person who has had the courage and also the willingness to participate in this process remains with the United Workers Party afterward and continues to fight,” Chastanet stated.

He reiterated that there could only be one representative for each constituency.

However, he declared that a representative cannot win by themselves.

The UWP leader asserted that there is much work ahead and that people offering themselves as candidates have a role to play in the future.

“If they are not nominated, it’s not that they are not good. It’s just that we have to choose one person for now. But we need everybody to want to make a change,” Chastanet told the Town Hall meeting, which also heard an appeal for unity.

The appeal came from UWP Chairman Therold Prudent.

Prudent urged the party faithful not to talk badly about UWP members but to defend each other.

“Help us do the work that we have to do because the Labour Party is our enemy, not those in our camp,” the UWP Chairman told the Town Hall audience.

“Don’t believe the Labour Party will just turn over and tell us ‘Here’s the Government. Take it.’” Prudent said.

He indicated that UWP supporters would have to march to the polling stations to kick the Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) out of office.

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