UWP Announces Election Campaign Launch

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

The United Workers Party (UWP), which the electorate voted out of office at the July 26, 2021, general elections, has announced that Sunday will mark the launch of its campaign for the next polls.

UWP leader Allen Chastanet told reporters on the margins of a sitting of the House of Assembly Monday afternoon that on Sunday, the party will hold a ‘major’ meeting on William Peter Boulevard.

“For us, that signals the commencement of the elections,” Chastanet stated.

He disclosed that the UWP will announce some of the candidates approved by its national council during Sunday’s event.

The council is down to meet on Thursday.

Chastanet explained that each of the approved candidates will then be launched in their constituencies.

In addition, he declared it was time for the people of Saint Lucia to take a stand, recognising that the Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) Government is using propaganda.

“So when people go to the OKEU Hospital and see what’s going on for themselves – no water, no bed sheets, no panadol, MRI machines not working, X-ray machines not working, etc. But then you hear the propaganda outside, ‘Everything is good!’” The former Prime Minister said.

“We have to say to this government that we are not going to take their lies anymore. We are tired of being betrayed, whether it is the two and a half percent tax, whether it is what’s taking place in CIP and the refusal to answer questions,” he told reporters.

“I am asking everyone, for the sake of our own country, for the sake of your own future which is being robbed, to come out and show your support and let the Labour Party know that they don’t have a free hand to run our country. We are not going to allow our country to be run against democracy and against the rule of law,” Chastanet said.

Responding to news of the UWP election campaign launch, Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre told reporters he wished them ‘good luck’.