Saint Lucia Records Increase In May Stay-Over Arrivals

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

Saint Lucia has reached a significant milestone in its tourism sector. In May 2024, the island welcomed 36,375 stay-over arrivals, marking a remarkable 9% increase over May 2023.

Additionally, total arrivals for the year up to May 2024 is 660,521, representing a 4% growth over the same period in 2023.

This unprecedented success is attributed to the vibrant Saint Lucia Jazz and Arts Festival, impactful marketing initiatives, and enhanced regional connectivity.

The Saint Lucia Jazz and Arts Festival, a highlight of the island’s cultural calendar, drew thousands of visitors from around the world. This year’s festival featured an exceptional lineup of artists and a diverse array of arts and cultural activities, captivating audiences and showcasing Saint Lucia’s rich heritage.

Integral to this success were the extensive marketing campaigns that highlighted the festival and the destination, ensuring global visibility and attracting new and returning visitors.

Additionally, the introduction of Air Adelphi and Sunrise Airways significantly boosted regional connectivity, making Saint Lucia more accessible to travelers from neighboring islands.

Year-to-date figures also show a 2% increase in cruise arrivals from 2023, matching the levels of 2019, and a 10% increase in stay-over arrivals from 2023, which is 5% higher than in 2019.

SOURCE: Saint Lucia Tourism Authority

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