SAACC Urges Citizens To Prioritise Safety During Carnival

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

Saint Lucia’s Substance Abuse Advisory Council Secretariat (SAACC) has urged Saint Lucians to prioritize their safety and that of others during Carnival, advising against drinking and driving and other risky behavior.

“Alcohol has traditionally featured greatly in our carnival celebrations, and though we by no means promote its use, to reduce harmful effects, there are simple things that can be done,” SAACS Coordinator Natasha Lloyd-Felix stated.

She advised individuals not to consume alcohol if they have not eaten and to ensure what they eat is not salty since salt and alcohol cause dehydration.

Lloyd-Felix also advised against consuming alcohol if an individual has not eaten.

” After every drink with alcohol, be sure to have water. Do not accept drinks from strangers and if someone is serving you a beverage, it is best to watch as it is being prepared, poured and served to you. Importantly, for you and for fellow road users, anyone who is driving a vehicle should not be drinking any alcohol,” the SAACC Coordinator stated.

Lloyd-Felix observed that drinking alcohol negatively affects coordination, alertness, and good judgement.

In addition, she acknowledged the importance of vendors’ sales and profit but said it should not be at children’s expense.

“Do not sell or serve any drink with alcohol to children,” Lloyd-Felix asserted while noting that smoking in any public space makes it uncomfortable for non-smokers and can affect the health of people with specific health challenges.

“Let’s just clear the air by keeping it smoke-free,” she said.

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