LUCELEC Electrifies Lucian Carnival With Platinum Sponsorship

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

St. Lucia Electricity Services Limited (LUCELEC), in partnership with the Carnival Planning Management Committee (CPMC), is continuing its sponsorship support of the major National events for Lucian Carnival 2024.

These include the recently concluded Junior Calypso and the National Schools Panorama Festival and upcoming Calypso and Soca Monarch, Panorama and King & Queen of the Bands competitions. The Company has also increased its investment, moving from a Gold Sponsor in 2023 to Platinum Sponsor in 2024.

This kaiso season, LUCELEC also partnered with the South Calypso Tent, SOCA The Ultimate Tent, Kaisos Pro’s Tent (KPT) and the Take Over/Soca Village Tent.

The Company will also continue its longstanding relationship with the Back In Time J’ouvert Band, Pantime Steel Orchestra and Courts Babonneau Steel Orchestra whose arranger is LUCELEC Transmission & Distribution Manager (Ag) Allison Marquis.

Lucian Carnival is a significant contributor to the local economy and the Company’s support is rooted in its belief that preserving our heritage is a critical component of our national identity, and the arts must be supported and funded to drive positive change and the creation of viable livelihoods for Saint Lucians in the creative, technical and management fields.

Lucian Carnival 2024 will culminate with the Parade of the Bands on July 15 and 16.

SOURCE: St. Lucia Electricity Services Limited

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