King Welcomes Prepaid Electricity Pilot Project

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

Senior Minister Stephenson King has embraced the forthcoming prepaid electricity pilot project for Saint Lucia, affirming its potential to foster responsible consumer spending.

“I think it is good. It helps persons to be consumption savvy if you want to use that term – to be more prudent in their consumption. It certainly allows for persons not to incur unnecessary debt,” King told reporters on the margins of Tuesday’s House of Assembly meeting.

Equity, Social Justice, and Empowerment Minister Joachim Henry announced Monday that the St. Lucia Electricity Services Limited (LUCELEC) will spearhead the project launch in August.

King said the prepaid electricity initiative intends to get people, especially low-income earners, to pay for electricity as they use it.

He explained that it would not impact electricity rates.

“It simply affects the modality of payment,” the former Prime Minister told reporters on the sidelines of Tuesday’s House of Assembly meeting.

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