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Chastanet Demands Action To Reduce Gas Prices

02 October 2024
This content originally appeared on St. Lucia Times.
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Leader of the Opposition Allen Chastanet has challenged the government decisions that he believes have negatively impacted the cost of living in Saint Lucia, while demanding a reduction in gas prices.

At the opposition United Workers Party (UWP) weekly briefing, Chastanet read an excerpt from an open letter to Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre, detailing how he believes the government has erred in its economic judgment and decision-making.

“The price of oil on the world market has now dropped to $70 a barrel, leaving no justification for maintaining inflated prices at the pump, especially given the impact on households and small businesses. By virtue of this, we demand that by November 1st 2024, you take the necessary action to reduce the cost of gas,” the letter reads.

The Opposition Leader also added commentary on the effects of these prices on households and businesses.

“It is affecting households, cost of electricity, and because businesses are having to pass on the increased price of gas over their operating costs, it’s increasing the profit margin that they’re required to succeed and to stay alive. And this is creating a horrible spiral effect, where what we’re seeing is that prices are going up,” he noted.

Concerning the government-implemented Health and Security Levy, Chastanet pointed to an occasion where he believes the government acted unfairly by granting a waiver for a particular businessman.

The UWP leader questioned whether the levy, initiated in 2023, only applies to certain members of the public.

“Households are now burdened with increased costs, and small businesses are struggling under the added financial load. On June 12th 2024, the public was made alarmingly aware that the cabinet of ministers had granted concessions to a businessman by waiving the 2.5% levy for his project. This selective exemption is patently unfair,” Chastanet said.

“If you can justify this for one individual, it is only fair that you extend this relief to all the people you serve. As stated in previous correspondence on this matter, this blatant inconsistency sends a distressing and unacceptable message that the sacrifices are not being made by all,” the former Prime Minister and Minister of Finance declared.