Annual Julien Alfred Day Unlikely- Casimir Proposes Alternative

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

Following Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre’s announcement that September 27th, 2024, would be a public holiday in honor of Julien Alfred, questions quickly arose about whether the event would become an annual observance.

However, the Minister for Youth Development and Sports, Kenson Casimir, indicated that an annual holiday is unlikely.

During Monday’s pre-cabinet press briefing, Casimir emphasised the importance of maintaining commercial productivity, particularly in light of the island’s recent economic recovery.

“We considered the economic benefits and drawbacks of having the holiday every year,” Casimir stated. “In terms of productivity, we are doing well as a country, and adding another annual holiday would not be beneficial. However, it’s important for the world and future generations to celebrate the day we brought an Olympic medal to the shores of Saint Lucia,” he added.

Casimir then highlighted an alternative to commemorate Alfred’s achievements in the coming years.

He suggested that the “Julien Alfred Invitational,” an annual sporting event, could be a viable option.

According to the Minister, the event would attract international athletes to compete in various disciplines, aiming to become a premier competition on the global athletics calendar.

While it will not be an official holiday, the event’s realisation will depend on the refurbishment of the George Odlum Stadium.

“The Julien Alfred Invitational is something we have considered. Once our state-of-the-art stadium is back in the hands of the Athletics Association, this invitational will become a global event, marking her significant achievement,” Casimir told reporters.

The Minister indicated that the initiative demonstrates a commitment to celebrating local talent while encouraging global athletic participation.

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