Police Identify Woman Fatally Shot At Morne Du Don

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

Police have identified a woman who sustained fatal gunshot injuries at Forgotten Boundary, Morne Du Don, Castries, on Friday morning as 26-year-old Jeannelle Didier, also known as ‘Janique’.

She lived at Pavee, Castries.

Morne Du Don residents expressed concern over the homicide in their community.

A male resident lamented what he described as Saint Lucia’s high, ridiculous murder rate.

“When will it end?” He asked.

A woman explained that the deadly Friday morning gun violence had shattered the community’s peace.

“This area is peaceful and to hear something like that happen so early in the morning is very disturbing,” the woman, who requested anonymity, stated.

“By right, this supposed to be a private road, but everybody using it,” the resident noted.

“And is not the people that born and raised here, is who coming,” she declared.

The resident recalled growing up in the community and walking the road unafraid at one in the morning.

She also said that when she worked at a local company and left her employment close to midnight, she did not fear people would harm her on her way home.

“You go in town and leave your house open,” she told reporters.

Friday’s incident is the second this week in which a woman became a gun violence victim.

On Tuesday, an eighteen-year-old female sustained gunshot injuries at Bexon.

“Nowadays, the people ain’t choosing. Anybody they feel could be a problem for them, if they have to get rid of them, that’s what they’ll do,” the female Morne Du Don resident told reporters.

The police have appealed for information regarding the latest homicide.

They have urged anyone with information to contact the Criminal Investigations Department at 456-3770 or report anonymously via the Crime Hotline at 555 or the Crime Hotline App.

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