‘We Must Reclaim The Streets From The Criminals!’

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

Opposition leader Allen Chastanet has expressed concern over Saint Lucia’s crime situation, declaring that it is worsening.

“We must reclaim the streets from the criminals, which begins with the government doing its job – a job it is currently failing to do,” the United Workers Party (UWP) leader wrote on Facebook.

According to the former Prime Minister, citizens no longer feel safe.

“I hear story after story of people being assaulted, robbed, abused, and killed. Since the UWP left office in 2021, homicides have increased 25%. This is not the Saint Lucia that we love!” Chastanet asserted.

He noted that while in Government, his administration implemented several initiatives to improve security and justice.

He mentioned reopening the Forensic Laboratory, recruiting more police officers, buying new engines for the Marine Police, and rehabilitating courthouses.

The opposition leader, among other things, also pointed to his former administration’s appointment of more judges and commencement of plans for a new Halls of Justice and police headquarters.

His remarks relating to crime came amid a worrying spike in deadly gun violence.

On Monday, Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre confirmed receiving a promised anti-crime strategy from newly appointed Acting Commissioner of Police Verne Garde.

Garde began an initial six-month contract on September 2.

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