Eight People Homeless After Soufriere’s Brush With Beryl

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

In the wake of Hurricane Beryl’s destructive visit, disaster officials in Soufriere swiftly provided temporary housing for eight people who lost their homes to the high waves and heavy winds.

The displaced residents, including a man with a disability, were living near the sea.

District Disaster Coordinator Placid Lascaris disclosed that the people who became homeless are currently at St. Isidore Hall amid a massive community cleanup in Beryl’s aftermath.

Lascaris shared with St. Lucia Times that twenty-five volunteers and other community members had united in a massive cleanup effort in Soufriere.

He said the volunteers, supported by hotels in the area and private citizens, were also assisting with food distribution.

The District Disaster Coordinator praised the public-spiritedness displayed, declaring that Hurricane Beryl’s impact had been a ‘uniting factor’ not only in Soufriere but across Saint Lucia.

In addition, Lascaris disclosed plans to find alternative temporary accommodation for the homeless individuals housed at St. Isidore Hall and arrange counseling.

“I know it is too early to speak about it, but we need to have a centre in Soufriere that could become a hurricane shelter and a community centre because we have nothing of that sort,” he told St. Lucia Times.

He noted that the Hall is a venue for weekend activities. Hence, the need for other accommodation for the individuals who were made homeless by Hurricane Beryl.

According to Lascaris, the eight homeless people were fortunate to be alive since Beryl whipped up ‘monster waves’ that destroyed the shacks in which they lived near the sea.

The storm also damaged the Soufriere jetty and recreation park and flooded the cemetery.

PHOTO: Baron’s Drive

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