Saint Lucia Police Issue Mask Advisory

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF) is issuing an important reminder to the public regarding the wearing of balaclavas and ski masks in public spaces.

Recent observations have indicated an increase in the prevalence of individuals donning such masks in public areas, prompting the need for clarification on the legal ramifications of this practice under the Criminal Code of Saint Lucia.

In accordance with Section 521 of the Criminal Code, the wearing masks, including balaclavas and ski masks, in public places is subject to specific legal provisions.

Important things to note about Section 521:

• There is a general prohibition against wearing masks in any public way or place, and doing so is considered an offence. Those who violate this rule may be fined five hundred dollars (XCD500.00) if convicted.

• If an individual wears a mask in public with the intention of committing a crime, they could face imprisonment for up to one year if convicted.

Certain situations are exceptions to this prohibition, including:

• During carnival, a drama, or other public performances or spectacles.

• For medical reasons.

The RSLPF also wishes to address concerns specifically related to motorcyclists.

It has come to our attention that some individuals are using balaclavas and ski masks as an alternative to proper motorcycle helmets.

We emphasize that these masks do not meet the safety standards required for helmet use and are not a lawful substitute. Motorcyclists are reminded that helmets must comply with safety regulations to ensure their protection whilst riding.

The RSLPF urges all citizens to adhere to these regulations to avoid legal consequences and to promote safety and security within our communities.

SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force

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