UWP Concerned Over ‘Year Of Infrastructure’ Water Woes – St. Lucia Times

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

The opposition United Workers Party (UWP) has criticised the government amid the water woes Saint Lucia is experiencing during 2024, designated the ‘The Year of Infrastructure.’

Last month, the House of Assembly passed the Appropriations Bill for 2024-2025 under that theme.

Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre reiterated his commitment to deliver on promises related to infrastructure, tourism, housing, foreign policy, youth and sports development, citizen security, improvements in agricultural systems, and other initiatives.

However, the UWP believes the focus should also be on water.

Choiseul-Saltibus MP Bradley Felix recalled that during the budget debate, he indicated to the government that he thought one of the first areas the administration should have highlighted regarding the Year Of Infrastructure was water infrastructure.

“Water is life,” he asserted.

Felix spoke during an opposition-organised live Facebook panel discussion on Thursday night.

Days earlier, on Monday, the Cabinet of Ministers had declared a water-related emergency for the Island.

“We know that there’s a drought and I really thought the government would have provided more assistance to WASCO,” the opposition MP stated.

He believed the government erred in declaring The Year Of Infrastructure without featuring WASCO prominently.

Earlier this week, the utility suspended all new connections and meter requests north of the island.

The suspension, announced on Monday due to ‘severe dry conditions,’ applies from Millet to Cap Estate and will remain in effect until water levels increase.

Former Tourism Minister Dominic Fedee raised questions regarding the move.

“Do we have a government that cannot manage the country sufficiently that if you are trying to build a house, if you are trying to set up a business that requires a water connection, it means that you cannot be connected? What are you supposed to do with your plans?” Fedee told the round table discussion.

“This is the state our water infrastructure has actually reached in the country. So Bradley is right, this is not just basic, this is absolutely essential,” the former Anse La Raye-Canaries MP stated.

In addition, Fedee called on the government to urgently address this critical component of Saint Lucia’s infrastructure.