‘There Is Value Sometimes In Losing An Election’

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

Saint Lucia’s electorate voted the United Workers Party (UWP) out of office at the July 26, 2021, general elections in a landslide Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) win.

Still, the party’s Mobilisation Officer, Nancy Charles, has indicated that the loss has taught valuable lessons.

“We have learned. There is value sometimes in losing an election,” Charles declared during Wednesday’s Newsmaker Live on DBS television.

“What we have learned is that you can’t be in opposition speaking about one thing and when you get to government you do something different,” the UWP official told Host Timothy Poleon.

She explained that the UWP had learned a valuable lesson.

As a result, Charles asserted that the same principles the party now holds will be the same going into government.

She explained that there has to be a change in how people view politics and politicians.

“We are determined, maybe we might not do it full 360, but we are determined that step by step by step, that we set the example as a reinvigorated party, that when we get into office, we set a different standard,” Charles stated.

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