Saint Lucia To Ramp Up Its Climate Action Commitments

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

Revision for the third Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) has kindled with a National Climate Change Committee (NCCC) consultation on September 9.

Chaired by the Department of Sustainable Development, the NCCC comprises stakeholders from the ten climate change priority sectors who are weighing in on what the new pledges should look like.

“In our most recent NDC,” said Permanent Secretary Anita Montoute addressing the NCCC, “we committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the energy and transport sectors by 7%, below 2010 emissions by 2030.

In keeping with the Paris Agreement’s progression principle, Saint Lucia is now expected to submit a more ambitious NDC in 2025.

If we were to grade ourselves on the achievement of this target, our report booklet would show continuous ambitious action to achieve these commitments, with over 67 climate-specific projects currently being monitored and supported across the 10 climate-priority sectors.”

An NDC is a country’s climate pledge under the Paris Agreement to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

NDCs are revised and communicated to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) every five years. Saint Lucia submitted its initial NDC in 2015, and then a second revised edition in 2020.

The revision process for Saint Lucia’s 2025 submission is being assisted through the Supporting the implementation of NDCs in the Caribbean – transforming the transport and energy sectors towards a low-carbon and climate-resilient future (NDC-TEC) Project.

Technical leadership through the project is being provided by a team from global climate science and policy institute, Climate Analytics, in collaboration with the Climate Change team at the Department of Sustainable Development and other key national experts.

Saint Lucia intends to unveil its updated NDC in March 2025.

SOURCE: Department of Sustainable Development

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