Record Heat Impacting Minibus Operations

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

The President of the Gros Islet Minibus Association, Danny Edward, has raised concern about the impact of increased heat due to climate change on bus drivers and passengers.

Edward highlighted to St. Lucia Times that extreme heat affects driversfinancially by increasing fuel consumption due to more frequent use of air conditioning.

Edward also pointed out that a lack of proper bus terminals means buses are parked in the open, exacerbating the heat issue.

“You have to cool down your buses before you head to the number one queue,” he explained.

Edward told St. Lucia Times that the extreme heat forces drivers to consume more water.

He suggested establishing enclosed bus terminals could alleviate some of the issues.

“If we had enclosed bus terminal where you could get a little shelter from the sun. I think that would be a way to save on some of our costs,” he told St. Lucia Times.

In addition, the Gros Islet Bus Association President called on the governments of Saint Lucia and other countries to address climatechange and its effects on transportation infrastructure.

He hoped that bus drivers’ challenges shed light on the need for change.

Data shows that Saint Lucia’s average recorded temperatures have increased over the last 15 years.

Figures from the Saint Lucia Meteorological Services reveal the recorded temperature in Castries for August 2024 was 0.6◦C warmer than the average temperatures of the past 15 years (2009-2023).

Likewise, in Vieux Fort, August temperatures were 0.3 ◦C above the average of the past 15 years.

PHOTO: File image

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