King Says Mini Roundabout At S&S Plaza Entrance Working

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

The newly installed mini roundabout at the entrance of the S&S Plaza at Bois D’Orange became a topic of significant public discussion earlier this year.

Some people questioned its necessity and complained about the challenges it presents for navigating the busy intersection.

Since its erection, the roundabout has attracted mixed reactions.

While some drivers expressed concerns about maneuverability, officials clarified that the mini roundabout was not designed to function as a full roundabout. Instead, the officials have said its primary aim is to facilitate smoother traffic flow into and out of the S&S Plaza junction.

Infrastructure Minister Stephenson King has again addressed concerns about the measure.

King asserted that the mini roundabout is helping to alleviate the heavy traffic in the north.

“Mini roundabouts are used all over the world,” he stated.

According to the Minister, they regulate the traffic in areas with a ‘T’ junction.

“It’s not a crossroad,” King explained, adding that the mini roundabout’s construction is to assist with maneuvering traffic in and out of the S&S Plaza.”

Additionally, King said that the Ministry of Infrastructure is closely monitoring the roundabout’s performance.

He indicated that the Ministry will adjust as the ongoing road development project progresses.

“Once the road development is completed, the proper placement of road infrastructure will fall into place,” he added.

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