CMO Urges Heat Safety Amid Soaring Temperatures – St. Lucia Times

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Dr. Sharon Belmar-George has advised citizens to protect themselves as Saint Lucia experiences hot weather.

“Over the last few days, we have been noting the increases in temperature,” Belmar-George observed.

As a result, she called on susceptible groups, including the very young, the elderly, and individuals with chronic health conditions, to take precautions since they may experience dehydration faster.

Belmar-George advised increasing fluid intake, especially water, throughout the day and reducing direct exposure between 10.00 am and 2:00 pm when the sun’s rays are more intense.

“If you go out, we advise using sunscreen or sunblock to protect your skin, the use of a hat or cap, and the use of lighter clothing,” the CMO told St. Lucia Times.

She also spoke of the need to protect school children, noting that some classrooms may not be as well-ventilated as they should be.

“We ask that teachers pay close attention to ensure that the kids are getting enough fluids during the day and parents as well should ensure that the children go to school with enough drinking water,” the senior Health Ministry official stated while advising limits on sugary drinks consumption.

In addition, Belmar-George called on teachers to pay attention to children engaging in physical activity during peak heat periods.

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) reported that the global temperature record streak continued last month.

According to Europe’s Copernicus Climate Change Service, April was the warmest on record, the eleventh month in a row of record global temperatures.

The WMO declared 2023 the hottest year on record but said there was ‘high probability’ that 2024 would be another record-hot year.