Local News

King Lauds SLP Administration’s Morals, Values

01 October 2024
This content originally appeared on St. Lucia Times.
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Former Leader of the  United Workers Party (UWP), Stephenson King, has publicly praised the Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) for its strong morals, values, and compassionate approach to governance.

Speaking at the annual general meeting of the SLP’s Gros Islet Constituency Group, King reflected on his transition to the SLP after leaving the United Workers Party (UWP) shortly before the 2021 general elections.

The former UWP leader retained his Castries North seat after facing the electorate as an independent.

After the electorate voted the SLP into government, King accepted a senior minister post in the Labour cabinet.

At Sunday’s AGM, he spoke of the positive change he has experienced within the Labour administration.

“Having come from outside, from another organisation, and to come into an organization, a government that demonstrates love, peace, tranquility, caring and looking out, it’s a big difference – it means that you people care about one another,” King stated.

King mentioned the supportive relationships he has formed with his fellow cabinet members, noting how they continually check in on him.

He specifically mentioned Babonneau MP Dr. Virginia Albert Poyotte.

He said she ensures he stays on the “straight and narrow.”

King also spoke of Ministers Kenson Casimir and Emma Hippolyte, disclosing that they reach out to him, even during his absences from parliament.

“This is the strength of the Saint Lucia Labour Party government,” King asserted. “A government that campaigned on putting the people first demonstrates not only in word but in deed that they are indeed putting people first, and I am proud to be part of this government.”

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