ICAR Says Suspending Four CXC Subjects Will Harm The Region – St. Lucia Times

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

The Iyanola Council for the Advancement of Rastafari (ICAR) has urged the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) to reconsider its ‘dangerous decision’ to suspend four subjects.

Th subjects identified were Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Technology, Green Engineering, and the Agriculture Science double award.

Regarding the Agriculture Science double award, ICAR President Aaron Alexander said it represented a step backward for the region, given the importance of food security to Small Island Developing States and the world.

“We need to be able to feed ourselves as a matter of urgency,” Alexander asserted in a statement issued on behalf of ICAR and the Pan African People education committee.

The ICAR President also noted that the region’s farmers are ageing.

As for the other subject areas, Alexander observed that Caricom has a ten-point reparatory justice development plan.

He noted that number nine of the plan speaks to Technology Transfer.

In this regard, Alexander emphasized the need for the region’s people to become technologically proficient at exploiting advanced technology.

“We believe that those subject areas now suspended by the CXC are pivotal for the development of our region,” Alexander stated.

He also warned that the suspension will have severe implications and be very detrimental to the region.

On Wednesday, the CXC issued the following statement:

The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC®) is aware of the concerns being expressed by our valued stakeholders, based on the premature release of correspondence addressed to the Ministries of Education concerning syllabus suspension.

This situation is regrettable and understandably would have caused anxiety among our key stakeholder groups.

In order to address the matter, CXC® has scheduled a meeting with the Ministers of Education and will provide a full update to the public, through a press release, thereafter.

CXC® assures our valued stakeholders that the requisite actions will be taken in the best interest of all.