Residents Of Julien Alfred’s Hometown Demand Road Repairs!

The content originally appeared on: St. Lucia Times News

Residents of Monkey Town, Ciceron, say there is a pressing need for significant infrastructural redevelopment where they live.

The community, home to Saint Lucia sprint sensation Julien Alfred, has for several years expressed concerns over the deteriorating road network in the area.

The urgency to repair the roads has increased, especially as the area may soon become a tourist attraction due to Alfred’s rise to stardom following her 100-metre gold and 200-metre silver medal wins at the 2024 Paris Olympics.

While ecstatic about Julien Alfred’s success, residents have voiced frustration and discouragement over the deplorable infrastructure in the athlete’s hometown.

They pointed out that the vehicle carrying Alfred could not get close to her family home because of the poor road conditions in the past.

“This road has remained the same since Julien Alfred was a child,” one resident told St. Lucia Times.

“We need our rep, Dr. Ernest Hilaire, to assist us, please!” He added.

Given that the government has designated 2024 as the “Year of Infrastructure,” residents hope sports will become a springboard for development.

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