Local News

‘We Must Force That Government Out Of Office!’

16 October 2024
This content originally appeared on St. Lucia Times.
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The opposition United Workers Party (UWP) has signalled its intention to step up efforts to demonstrate its displeasure with the Philip J. Pierre administration.

UWP spokesman Lednard ‘Spider’ Montoute told an opposition town hall event on Sunday that Saint Lucia was ‘headless’ and in crisis.

In this regard, the UWP Public Relations Officer echoed the sentiments of the party’s first deputy leader, Guy Joseph, who spoke earlier.

“I am beginning to feel the same way that Guy feels. We cannot wait for another two years. It means we have to begin to take action, and I am saying let’s start warming up for protest action. We must force that government out of office,” Montoute declared.

During the general elections on July 26, 2021, the electorate voted the UWP administration under then Prime Minister and party leader Allen Chastanet out of office.

The UWP managed to retain two of the eleven seats it formerly had in the 17-seat parliament as the Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP), with Philip J. Pierre at the helm, surged into office by a landslide.

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