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Saint Lucian Mother’s Determination Saves Her Baby’s Life

05 October 2024
This content originally appeared on St. Lucia Times.
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“He looked normal to me, but the doctors told me (you) will not be able to see it, but due to their profession, they can see it. But in my eyes, I was just seeing a perfect little boy, but unfortunately..” Sabina Louis.

A Saint Lucian mother, Sabina Louis, has shared her heartwarming story of determination and resilience in saving the life of her one-month-old son, Saiyeem Valcin.

She told her story in a video posted on the Facebook page of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister, Dr. Ralph Gonsalves.

Sabina’s journey began when she sought medical assistance for her unborn baby, ultimately leading her to Saint. Vincent to secure life-saving treatment.

On July 28th, Sabina recalled going for a checkup at the Owen King European Union Hospital (OKEUH) due to concern about the lack of movement from baby Saiyeem in her womb.

She disclosed that doctors discovered that Saiyeem’s head was larger than normal.

Just three days later, on July 31st, she gave birth to Saiyeem, who appeared extremely pale. The doctors soon diagnosed him with hydrocephalus, a potentially fatal condition caused by excess fluid in the brain.

Sabina shared her emotional struggle after hearing the diagnosis. “At that point I was very worried, what’s going to happen? How is he going to grow up? What his life will be like?” She recounted.

Doctors told her the condition posed significant risks, including potential seizures and other complications, leaving Sabina anxious for her son’s future.

However, the situation became even more dire when Sabina said she learned that Saint Lucia did not have the specialists or equipment to perform the surgery Saiyeem needed.

Determined to save her baby’s life, Sabina sought assistance in Saint Vincent, where she related, to her surprise, the medical procedure was possible at no cost.

“We were already trying to raise funds, but when we heard that WPP (World Pediatric Project) would take care of it, we were very thankful and relieved,” Sabina said.

After the successful surgery in Saint Vincent, Saiyeem now has tubes running from his head to his stomach, a necessary step to drain the excess fluid.

Despite the physical scars, Sabina is filled with hope and gratitude.

“It touches my heart to know that he will have a scar, but it will be a testimony for him to remember that there are good people and nations out there.”

With baby Saiyeem’s health restored, Sabina is overjoyed to be returning home to Saint Lucia and thankful for the generosity and care her son received.